Creepypasta Animal ´´Jam´´

Animal "Jam"

(A/N: I wrote this as my 8-year-old self, so spelling, punctuation and grammar errors are attributed to my cringy-a** past self.)
One saturday morning I was playing AJ on my computer on my 12th birthday. So I was trying to scam some people. Well, only a few! It WAS my bday, of course. I got myself a RARE black long collar, a mira fountain, a rare epic fox plush and a RARE fox hat! And I had 1000 gems! Then a message came up saying: "Oops! Aj is updating! We will be back soon!" But I didn't Log out. I stayed firmly put. So, as no-one was here to scam, I decided to go buy an animal. "That's strange..." I said. "Pandas are traveling, arent they?!"
I decided to show off to my friends and buy one. So, I changed into a panda. And Cosmos was at my den, a sinister stare beconing me. I crept forword cautiously. As soon as I clicked the exclamation mark above his head, my battery ran out. I plugged it in and began to play again. This time there was no loading screen. I logged straight into AJ and spawned in a room. A tiny, darkroom, no escape. All the alphas were dancing around a statue of Mira, chanting: "Glacial Crystal, Arise!" I didn't have a clue on what was even going on. Then, Mira came alive! She spoke with a soothing voice... "Hello, birthday girl! We're going to show you the real animal jam today! A loverly birthday treat!" Suddenly, my animal was being trampled on by the alphas. Mira pulled its head away from its body. It gave me a desparing gaze untill there was a snap and my animal lay on the floor, crushed. Dead.
(A/N: Apparently I scribbled over the rest of this; this is what I was able to salvage.)
I was about to shriek but Mira locked her gaze from my panda to me. I couldnt tear myself away from her icy blue eyes. They were slowly brainwashing me. Then Mira said: "Come to Mira, your guardian angel."
I didn't really want to come when she said that. But in horror, I was being dragged into my computer. When I was there, Mina stopped and scooped up an animal liver from my panda and shoved it into my mouth. Coughing and spluttering, I struggled but the alphas caught me. Mira chanted something under her breath, and before I knew what happened, Mira stabbed me with her beak. Now I am laid on the floor, dying.